What air purifying plants stay small?

It is the fundamental right of all human beings to have access to clean air. However clean air is very rare nowadays, particularly in the cities. It seems it will be a beneficial option if we get ourselves an air purifier however, a drawback of air purifiers is that they are costly. So, what should we do? Maybe start investing in air purifying houseplants. These houseplants not only add color and life to your homes but also purify the indoor air. There are a variety of sizes in which air purifying plants are available however the real question is what are those air purifying plants that stay small? Plants can be large and fill the empty corners of your homes however, where there is a shortage of space, they can be difficult to handle.

Thankfully, there are many options available for indoor air purifying plants that stay small providing the right amount of green without utilizing a large space of your indoor area. Smaller plants such as succulents and other air purifying plants are the right choice to place on your indoor tables. Bigger plants in size require more floor space such as the peace lilies thus overwhelming your rooms if they are small. The major advantage of small plants is that they can fit anywhere therefore, you can be even more creative. You can place these small plants in all the unexpected areas of your homes to add that extra touch of greenery. In this article, we provide a comprehensive review of the benefits of indoor plants and the best air purifying plants that stay small.

Indoor Air Purifying Plants: benefits

Following are the benefits of indoor air purifying plants:

1- Reducing stress levels

It has been studied that indoor plants can help you feel more relaxed and comfortable. Activities such as indoor potting of plants and other gardening activities have proven to reduce stress. These activities can help in reducing heart rate and blood pressure. Moreover, indoor plants are also effective in reducing physiological and psychological stress.

2- Enhanced focus

Indoor plants have proven to improve the focus level of people. These plants help you stay attentive and increase concentration levels. This is especially helpful when you are doing a tough work-related task or if you are studying for an exam.

3- Indoor plants can be therapeutic

Indoor gardening activities can be extremely helpful if you are experiencing mental illness of some sort. It has been reported that such activities can help in increasing the well-being of people dealing with depression, anxiety, or any other mental condition. Medical experts are also prescribing indoor plants to such patients.

4- Recover from illness quickly

Keeping indoor plants can be beneficial in treating your illnesses and injuries. It has been observed that people who have had surgery required lesser medication for treating pain and also had shorter stays in the hospital when they were incorporating greenery in their treatment.

5- Enhanced productivity

It has been reported by various studies that by incorporating indoor plants in your workspaces you can increase your productivity and creativity. Moreover, research has shown that such people also take lesser sick leaves and show more productivity at work.

6- Indoor plants help improve indoor air quality

A study conducted by NASA has shown that plants carry out phytoremediation i.e., they remove toxic contaminants from the indoor air. These plants have an efficiency that is equal to modern biofilters and other similar technologies. Plants are a source of oxygen and keep your indoor air clean. Moreover, they help sequester carbon dioxide and other harmful chemical substances.

Common indoor toxins

Formaldehyde: found commonly in tissue papers, wooden products, and synthetic fibers.

Trichloroethylene: present in paint, varnishes, and other commonly used household cleaners.

Benzene: present in adhesives, lubricants, vehicular exhaust, and detergents

Ammonia: present in cleaning products

Xylene: present in nail polishes, tobacco smoke, and paint

Many indoor toxins are a source of asthma and allergies causing trouble to many people. Therefore, incorporating indoor plants can prove beneficial in alleviating these everyday problems.

Small air purifying plants- Top 8 picks

Following is the list of some best small air purifying plants.

1- Spider Plant

Source: (Garden Goods Direct)

The spider plant also commonly known as the “ ribbon plant” or “airplane plant” is one of the most popular small-sized air purifying plants. It consists of a thin long structure comprising of skinny leaves which are often seen dangling out of the planter. The plant does not gain a long height and only grows 1-2 feet tall. The width of the plant ranges between 2-3 feet in case it edges out the planter. They are easy to place in compact spaces and require less maintenance. You can decorate your shelves with pots containing spider plants. Moreover, they often look quite attractive in hanging pots due to their dangling leaves.

2- Polka Dot Plant

Source: (PanAmerican Seed)

If you are tired of the plain boring interiors of your house, you need this plant. It can immediately add brightness and life to any interior. Polka dot plants are most commonly available in pink color while species with red and white leaves are also found. They belong to the family of branched perennials and can attain a maximum height of only 12-18 inches. This makes them ideal indoor plants for small houses and apartments. They bloom the best in the absence of direct sunlight as solar radiations lead to scorching of leaves. As a result, the bright pink color of the leaves fades away.

3. Aloe Vera

Source: (The Spruce)

Aloe Vera belongs to the family of succulent plants. They are usually stemless or in some cases possess a small-sized stem. Aloe Vera plants do not grow very tall and attain a maximum height of 24-39 inches. These plants are often seen growing outwards if there is enough space available. Aloe Vera leaves are thick and fleshy which in some varieties possess white flecks. Such plants love direct sunlight exposure just like other succulents. As they are plants of the water-scarce habitats, they do not have strict watering needs.

4. Asparagus Fern

Source: (Crocus)

It is one of the favorite indoor plants due to its wide availability and fast growth. They are also compact in size so you can decorate any nook or corner of your house with them. Asparagus fern belongs to the lily family and requires partial shade for healthy growth. It is suggested to leave some open space around this plant to provide some breathing space. In confined places with poor ventilation, leaves of the fern fan out.

5. Snake Plant

Source: (Wayfair)

Snake plant possesses excellent air purifying properties and allows easy maintenance. This makes it an ideal indoor plant. Snake plants are perfect for decorating tight corners as their growth is vertical rather than horizontal. Although the plant has no specific sunlight requirement, they show the best growth in indirect sunlight. As it is native to the desert ecosystem, it consists of thick fleshy leaves which can reach 2-3 feet in height. The horizontal area occupied by the plant is about 3 inches. Due to the presence of succulent leaves, the plant does not require frequent watering.

6. Echeveria

Source: (West Coast Gardens)

You have commonly seen these plants on tabletops in offices or at homes. The low maintenance, fast growth and air purifying features of Echeveria are well known. However, you should be very careful when watering this plant as it is very sensitive to overwatering.  Overwatering is one the most common causes of Echeveria’s death. The height of this plant can range from 5 inches to 12 inches depending on the variety. Due to their small size, they are perfect for decorating tabletops.

7. Cast-iron Plant

Source: Smart Gardens Guide

Belonging to the family of perennial herbaceous plants, the cast-iron plant is a slow-growing small air purifying plant. It is very easy to maintain as it can tolerate a wide range of sunlight and soil conditions. If you want to fill up a tiny floor size in your house, then this is the perfect plant. It has a height of almost 2-3 feet and grows 1-2 in width.

8. Chinese Money Plant

Source: (Logee’s Greenhouse)

Last but not least on our list is the Chinese money plant which is also called the Missionary Plant. It is one of the most powerful air-purifying plants despite its small size. One can easily recognize these plants due to their attractive circle-like leaves.  When fully grown the plant reaches up to 12 inches in height which is quite a decent size.


Many of us are aware of the air purifying features of indoor plants. However, for people living in small houses, it is difficult to manage space. Most plants grow up to many feet in height so people often face trouble in deciding their right place. Now the trouble is over! You can enjoy the air purifying potential of plants without worrying about space. There are many plants that are small in size and reach only 1-2 feet in height or even less. They provide a great opportunity to decorate small corners of the house with freshness and greenery. In this post, a list of the best small air purifying is presented. We hope that this helps you in making the right decision according to your space requirements.

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